Working with Files and Directories In Unix(Shell Scripting).

Rahul Kumar
4 min readFeb 1, 2023


commands used in Unix in order to read, write and access a file and directories

Working with files and directories:

How to know the location where I am:

$ pwd
  • pwd means present working directory.

To view the files and directory in present working directory:

$ ls


$ ls -l
$ ls -r

To Navigate one directory from another directory:

  • By using cd (change directory) command

for example:

$ cd directory_name (to go to any any directory)

$ cd .. (Go back to previous directory)

$ cd ../.. (Go back to previous-to-previous directory)

$ cd ~ (go to parent directory)

To create a directory:

  • By using mkdir(make directory) command.

Syntax: -

$ mkdir directory_name 
# don't give space in name of directory if you give space, it will create two directory)

for example:

How to create a file:

There are 3 ways of creating a file

  1. By using touch command.
  2. By using vi editor.
  3. By using cat command:

1. By using touch command

  • we can create an empty file by using touch command


$ touch file_name

2. By using vi editor:

  • we can create a file by using vi editor and we can add up content too at the same time.

3. By using cat command:

  • create a file.
  • you could add new contents, append with existing content, overwrite the contents.
  • read the file

By using cat command, you can do 3 operations:

> : Override

>> : Append

< : read

A) $ cat > filename

  • kernel will check whether a file with the provided name is already present in the current pwd.
    if yes, it is present
    → then it will re write or override the new contents to the existing contents
    else No, the file is NA
    → then it will create a file with the provided name and write in the new contents
  • to mark the EOF (end of file) ctrl + d → close it
    ctrl + c — forcefully quitting the operation.

e.g., →

B) $ cat < filename or cat filename
→ read the contents of the file

e.g., →

C) cat >> filename

  • kernel will check whether a file with the provided name is already present in the current pwd.
  • if yes, it is present
    → it will append the new contents to the existing contents.
    else No, the file is NA.
    → it will create a file with the provided name and write in the new contents.

e.g., →


-n → number all the lines
-b → number of nonblank lines
-s →squeeze the multiple \n with a single \n.

How to remove directory :

  • by rmdir command : it is used to remove empty directory.
  • by rm -rf command : if directory contains some files then we can remove it forcefully by this command.
  • Syntax of rmdir :
$ rmdir new_created_directory

for example :

Syntax for rm :

  • “rm” command can be used to remove files and non empty directories.
$ rm options file_name
  • Options :

for example :

$ rm -i file3

for e.g. :

Thank you…



Rahul Kumar
Rahul Kumar

Written by Rahul Kumar

MERN Stack Developer building scalable web apps with MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node and TS. Sharing insights and best practices for modern web development.

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