Variables, Datatypes and Operators in JavaScript.

Datatypes in JavaScript:

Rahul Kumar
Aug 13, 2023

Data of these types are stored and manipulate easily by using variables.

How to creates variables:





When we don’t assign any value to variable, It will give you undefined.

If we don’t want to store any data in our variable then we can assign a variable with an empty value called as ‘null’.


  • Operators are categorized into unary, binary, and ternary based on the number of operands on which they operate in an expression.
  • “typeof” is an operator in javaScript.

Example of typeOf:

Equality Operator:

Concatenation Operator:

console.log("string: ","Hello" + " world!");  // string: Hello world!

Exponentiation Operator:

console.log("10**3", 10**3); // output 1000




Rahul Kumar
Rahul Kumar

Written by Rahul Kumar

MERN Stack Developer building scalable web apps with MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node and TS. Sharing insights and best practices for modern web development.

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