🌟CRUD Operation In MongoDB🌟

Rahul Kumar
15 min readOct 1, 2022


What is database?

→ Database is structured way to store and access the data.

NoSQL Database: Any data which is organized but not in from of row and column.

MongoDB : It is NoSQL database, In MongoDB data is stored in documents format.

What is Document?

→ Document is a way to store data as set of field-value pairs.

for e.g. : { <field>: <value>,

“name” : “Rahul”,

“age”: 22


What is collections?

→ An organized store of documents in MongoDB, usually with common fields between documents.

What is MongoDB Atlas ?

→ Atlas cloud database is fully managed database, built for wide range of applications with MongoDB at its core.

→ Atlas has many tools and services within it that are built specifically for the MongoDB Database.

How does MongoDB stores data?

→ When you view / update document is MongoDB , It is in JSON( JavaScript Object Notation ) .

JSON Format :-

  • Start and end with curly braces {}.
  • Separate each key and value with a colon (:).
  • Separate each key : value pair with a comma (,).
  • keys must be surrounded by quotation marks(“ ”).

In MongoDB keys are also called fields.

for e.g. : {

“name” : “Rahul”,

“age”: 22


Pros of JSON : It is user friendly, readable and Familiar .

Cons of JSON : It is text-based format, Space Consuming and Supports limited number of basic data types.

Performing CRUD operation :

CRUD → Create, Read, Update and Delete.

C → Create

Create Database :


> use database_name

example : create a database for Smart Phone.

Q. How to insert data in MongoDB?

→ By Insert Operation :

It will add new documents to a collection. If a collection does not exist, the insert operation will create one.

you can see there is no collections in smart_phone database.

Lets see, How to create collection inside database?

whenever we will insert something, that time only it will create a collection and insert documents into it.

Syntax for Insert operation :

> db.collection.insert( {           > db.collection.insertOne({
field: value, or field: value,
field: value field: value
} ) } )

for example:

There are two ways to insert document in collections:

  1. By using insertOne():

db.collection.insertOne() command can be used to insert one document at a time.

2. By Using insertMany():

→ db.collection.i nsertMany() can be used for multiple documents insertion into the collection.

Q. How to Insert multiple documents?

→ by using an array([]) :

Syntax :

> db.collection.insert( [    or   // db.collection.insertMany( [
{ document 1 },
{ document 2},
] )


multiple documents insertion into the collection.

> db.product_catalog.insert([
prodid: 7000002,
prodname: “iphone 8”,
manufacturer: “apple”,
categories: {main:”electronics”,sub:”smartphones”},
date_of_launch: new Date(“2017–09–07”),
price: 65000,
colors: [“silver”,”black”,”gold”,”rosegold”]
prodid: 7000003,
prodname: “iphone 9”,
manufacturer: “apple”,
categories: {main:”electronics”,sub:”smartphones”},
date_of_launch: new Date(“2018–09–07”),
price: 70000,
colors: [“silver”,”black”,”gold”,”rosegold”]

1st example :

2nd example :

> db.product_catalog.insert ( 
{prodid:7000010,prodname:”nosql distilled”,publisher:”Addison-Wesley”,ISBN:1234567,price:400},
{prodid:7000011,prodname:”big data: principles and best practices”,publisher:”Dreamtech”,price:700}

Additional Methods for Inserts:

The following methods can also add new documents to a collection:

we will discuss these methods later in this blog.

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R → Read :

Q. How to to retrieve documents from the collection ?

→ By using find operation :

Syntax :

> db.collection.find(
{ query criteria },
{ projection criteria }

There are two version of find operation :

  1. findOne(): only one of the best document from collection they will show you.

2. find(): It will show you many documents from collection.

for example:

  • Projection: Only view that fields which requires.

Syntax :

> db.collection.find(
{ query criteria },
{ projection criteria }
1 --> to include that field
0 --> exclude the field(all the field except one)

NOTE: In projection, At a time you can include or exclude , you can’t do both operation in same projection query.(exception in case of _id: 0)

In simple ways, it means:

  1. {<field 1> : 1, <field 2> : 1} → valid

2. {<field 1> : 0, <field 2> : 0} → valid

3. {<field 1> : 1, <field 2> : 1,_id:0} → valid (Exception)

4.{<field 1> : 1, <field 2> : 0} → Invalid

Retrieve the documents based on criteria :

Q. How to Retrieve the documents having prodname as ‘iphone 8’?

{prodname: "iphone 8"}

Q. How to Retrieve the documents that either does not contain colors field or null value for that field?

> db.product_catalog.find(
{ colors:null }

**** Using existence check:

> db.product_catalog.find(
{ colors: {"$exists":true} }

if colors exists then it will retrieve documents otherwise it won’t retrieve documents.

Q. How to retrieve embedded document?

→ embedded document means document inside document.

example :

using . (dot) :

> db.product_catalog.find(
{ “categories.main”:”electronics” }

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U → Update :

Update operation allows users to modify the existing documents in a collection whenever a change occurs. A criteria or filters needs to be specified.

Syntax For updating documents :

MongoDB provides the following methods for updating documents in a collection:

1 . db.collection.updateOne():Updates at most a single document that match a specified filter even though multiple documents may match the specified filter.

2. db.collection.updateMany():Update all documents that match a specified filter.

3. db.collection.replaceOne():Replaces at most a single document that match a specified filter even though multiple documents may match the specified filter.

Examples :

For this practical, I am creating new database names ecommerce and inserting document in it.

> use ecommerce

Now Inserting documents in products collection.

> db.products.insertMany( 
{prodid:7000010,prodname:”nosql distilled”,publisher:”Addison-Wesley”,ISBN:1234567,price:400},
{prodid:7000011,prodname:”big data: principles and best practices”,publisher:”Dreamtech”,price:700}
{ prodid: 7000001,prodname: "iphone 7",manufacturer:"apple",
date_of_launch: new Date("2016-09-07"),price: 60000,
colors: ["silver","black","gold","rosegold"]}
{ prodid: 7000002,prodname: "iphone 8",manufacturer:"apple",
date_of_launch: new Date("2017-09-07"),price: 65000,
colors: ["silver","black","gold","white"]} ]

Update a single document based on condition :

Update the prodname of a book from “nosql distilled” to “NoSQL distilled”.

> db.products.updateOne(
{ prodname : "nosql distilled" },
{ $set : { "name" : "NoSQL distilled" }}

You can check whether it updated or not.

*** It is not updated it is inserted because name field was not there previously.:

> db.products.find(
{ prodname : "nosql distilled" }

Now, I am updating again ‘name’ → “NoSQL distilled” to “NoSQL”

> db.products.updateOne(
{ prodname : "nosql distilled" },
{ $set : { "name" : "NoSQL" }}

no check again it’s updated now :

> db.products.find(
{ prodname : "nosql distilled" }

Update a Multiple Embedded document based on condition :

Q. Update sub of categories smart phone to mobile phone based on condition wherever manufacturer is apple.

> db.products.updateMany(
{ "manufacturer": "apple" },
{ $set : { "categories.sub" : "mobile phone" }}

You can check whether it updated or not. :

> db.products.find(
{ manufacturer : "apple" }

Replace a document based on condition:

> db.products.replaceOne( { “name” : “NoSQL” }, {"name":"Nosql distilled"})

whole data is replaced, you can see in below document :

Now again, I am replacing this document to normal document whatever it was in the beginning.

> db.products.replaceOne(
{name: "Nosql distilled"},
{prodid:7000010,prodname:”nosql distilled”,publisher:”Addison-Wesley”,ISBN:1234567,price:400}

You can check again is it replaced back to normal or not :

> db.products.find(
{ prodname : "nosql distilled" }

Using upsert to update documents else insert :

The operation updates all the documents with price greater than ‘80000’ and manufacturer ‘apple’. If there are no documents matching the given criteria, a new document would be inserted.

> db.product_catalog.updateMany(
{ “price” : { $gt : 80000 }, “manufacturer” : “apple” },
{ $set: { “prodname” : “iphone 7 plus” } },
{ upsert: true }

we can see in ecommerce database :

> db.products.find(
{ manufacturer : "apple" }

Field Update Operators :

1. $inc : Increments the value of the field by the specified amount.

example :

Q. Increase the price of the book with ISBN ‘1979891’ by 20:

Before Increasing price :

> db.products.find(
{ ISBN: 1234567}

After running query value would be increased so let’s check :

> db.products.update(
{ ISBN: 1234567 },
{ $inc: { price: 20 } }

For decreasing the price of ISBN :1234567. we just need to put (-)minus symbol before value.

> db.products.update(
{ ISBN: 1234567 },
{ $inc: { price: -20 } }

2. $max : Only updates the field if the specified value is greater than the existing field value.

3. $min : Only updates the field if the specified value is less than the existing field value.

example :

Update the price of the product with ISBN ‘1234567’ to ‘430’ if the given new value is greater than the current value:

> db.products.update(
{ ISBN: 1234567 },
{ $max: { price: 430 } }

similarly, you can use $min too.

4. $mul: Multiplies the value of the field by the specified amount.

Multiply the price of the product by ‘2’ of ISBN ‘1234567’ :

{ ISBN: 1234567 },
{ $mul: { price: 2} }

before multiplication :

After multiplication:

5. $rename: Renames a field.

Rename the price field to ‘Rs’ of ISBN ‘1234567’:

> db.products.update(
{ ISBN: 1234567 },
{ $rename: { "price": "Rs"} }

Renaming back ‘Rs’ to ‘price’:

6. $unset: Removes the specified field from a document.

let’s remove the price from the document with ISBN ‘1234567’:

> db.products.update(
{ ISBN: 1234567 },
{ $unset: { "price": ""} }

7. Again you can set price by $set operator:

> db.products.update(
{ ISBN: 1234567 },
{ $set: { "price": 400} }

Array Update Operators :

  • dataset for array operator :
> use student

then insert these documents to student database in students collection.

> db.students.insertMany( [ 
{ “_id” : 1, “grades” : [ 85, 80, 80 ] },
{ “_id” : 2, “grades” : [ 88, 90, 92 ] },
{ “_id” : 3, “grades” : [ 85, 100, 90 ] }
] )

1. $ : Acts as a placeholder to update the first element that matches the query condition.

Syntax :

{ "<array>.$" : value }

Example :

To update the first element whose value is 80 to 82 in the in the grades array, use the positional $ operator if you do not know the position of the element in the array:

> db.students.updateOne(
{ _id: 1, grades: 80 },
{ $set: { "grades.$" : 82 } }

Before :

After running query :

if you want to change all 80 to 82 then use $[]operator. lets see example in next section.

2. $[]: Acts as a placeholder to update all elements in an array for the documents that match the query condition.

Syntax :

{ "<array>.$[]" : value }

Example :

  • Set all value of _id:2 are 80 by using $[] operator.
> db.students.updateOne(
{ _id: 2 },
{ $set: { “grades.$[]” : 80 } }

Q. To update the All the element whose value is 80 to 82 in the in the grades array, use the positional $[] operator if you do not know the position of the element in the array:

> db.students.updateOne(
{ _id: 1, grades: 80 },
{ $set: { "grades.$[]" : 82} }

3. $[<identifier>]: Acts as a placeholder to update all elements that match the arrayFilters condition for the documents that match the query condition.


> db.collection.updateMany(
{ <query conditions> },
{ <update operator>: { “<array>.$[<identifier>]” : value } },
{ arrayFilters: [ { <identifier>: <condition> } ] }

Q.To update all elements that are greater than or equal to 85 in the grades array, use the filtered positional operator $[<identifier>] with the arrayFilters.

> db.students.updateMany(
{ },
{ $set: { “grades.$[element]” : 100 } },
{ arrayFilters: [ { “element”: { $gte: 85} } ] }

*** In this operator if query is not satisfied(no such document found). then it will upsert the document.

4.$addToSet: Adds elements to an array only if they do not already exist in the set.


> { $addToSet: { <field1>: <value1>, … } }

Example : -

We will use ecommerce database and products collections:

>use ecommerce

then you can see, some of colors of iphone 7 is already exist in colors array field.

I am adding ‘pink’ in colors array field by using $addToSet operator.

> db.products.update({“prodname”: “iphone 7”},{$addToSet:{colors:’pink’}})

5. $pop: Removes the first or last item of an array.


> { $pop: { <field>: <-1 | 1>, … } }-1 --> for first item of array.
1 --> for last item of array.

example :

Removing First colors of iphone 7:

> db.products.update({“prodname”: “iphone 7”},{$pop:{colors:-1}})

Removing last colors of iphone 7.

> db.products.update({“prodname”: “iphone 7”},{$pop:{colors:1}})

6. $push: Adds an item to an array.

The $push operator appends a specified value to an array.


> { $push: { <field1>: <value1>, … } }


Appending ‘blue’ in colors of iphone 7:

> db.products.update({“prodname”: “iphone 7”},

7. $pull: Removes all array elements that match a specified query.


> { $pull: { <field1>: <value|condition>, <field2>: <value|condition>, … } }

Example: -

Pulling “black” and “gold” from colors array of iphone 7:

> db.products.updateOne( { “prodname”: “iphone 7”}, { $pull: { colors: { $in: [ "black", "gold" ] } } })

8. $pullAll: Removes all matching values from an array.

The $pullAll operator removes all instances of the specified values from an existing array. Unlike the $pull operator that removes elements by specifying a query, $pullAll removes elements that match the listed values.


>{ $pullAll: { <field1>: [ <value1>, <value2> … ], … } }


> db.products.update( { “prodname”: “iphone 7”}, { $pullAll: { colors: [ “blue”, “rosegold” ] } } })

D for Delete

Delete Operation:

Delete operation allows you to delete the documents from a collection that is no longer valid. You can specify criteria or filters to delete documents.

  • MongoDB provides following methods for delete document :
  1. db.collection.deleteOne(): Delete at most a single document that match a specified filter even though multiple documents may match the specified filter.


Delete Only One Document that Matches a Condition :

  • for this operation, we will using ecommerce database and products collection.
> use ecommerce

you can see products collection have this much documents.

> db.products.find({})

Q. Delete a document from products collection where “prodname” is “iphone 7”.

> db.products.deleteOne({prodname:iphone7})

After deleting document, you can see the collection again, it’s deleted.

2. db.collection.deleteMany(): Delete all documents that match a specified filter.


Delete All Documents that Match a Condition:

Q. Delete a document from products collection where “manufacturer” is “apple”.

> db.produts.deleteMany({"manufacturer":"apple"})

let’s see this practically:

before the collection was like that.

After deleting the all the document where “manufacturer” is

> db.produts.deleteMany({"manufacturer":"apple"})

Delete All Documents:

  • To delete all documents from a collection, pass an empty filter document {} to the db.collection.deleteMany() method.
> db.products.deleteMany({})

3. db.collection.remove(): Delete a single document or all documents that match a specified filter.

Normal Syntax:

> db.collection.remove( <query>, <justOne>)


> db.collection.remove( <query>, 
{ justOne: <boolean>,
writeConcern: <document>,
collation: <document>,
let: <document> // Added in MongoDB 5.0
  • Delete a single document from collection with matching query :
> db.collection.remove( <query>, true )
  • Delete all the document from collection with matching query:
> db.collection.remove( <query>)
  • Delete all the document from collection:
> db.collection.remove({})

IF you want to know more about operators then you can read this blog.

Thank you….



Rahul Kumar
Rahul Kumar

Written by Rahul Kumar

MERN Stack Developer building scalable web apps with MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node and TS. Sharing insights and best practices for modern web development.

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