Configuring the Webserver and Setting up Python Environment on Top of Docker Container
🔅Configuring HTTPD Server on Docker Container
🔅Setting up Python Interpreter and running Python Code on Docker Container
Prerequisite for this task is Configured Docker .
Configuring Docker :
I am configuring docker on top of RHEL 8:
To install docker Firstly, we need to Configure yum repository:
Step 1. Configure Docker repository :
Go to “/etc/yum.repos.d/” by sing cd command :
$ cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
Create a a repo file e.g. docker.repo by using any editor , Here I am using vi editor.
$ vi docker.repo
- This is the URL you need to use at the place of BaseURL
- setgpgcheck to 0 so no GPG authentication issue
To check Yum repository is configured by using command
$ yum repolist
See in above Image Docker repo is configured .
Step 2. Install Docker
Install Docker by using command
$ yum install docker-ce --nobest
To start Docker by using command:
$ systemctl start docker
To check Docker started or not by command:
$ systemctl status docker
1 .Configuring HTTPD Server on Docker Container:
To configure HTTPD Webserver on Docker We need a docker container , I am using Centos container to configure Httpd webserver.
Step 1. To launch Docker container
First , We have to download Container Image by using command
$ docker pull image_name:version (centos:latest)
now Install Docker Container by using command :
$ docker run -it --name Container_name image_name:version
Step 2. To Install Httpd server on Container:
By using command :
$ yum install httpd -y
Step 3. To Start Httpd service :
In Redhat 8 linux For starting any service we use “systemctl start service_name” command but in docker “systemctl” command does not work . so we are using command “/usr/sbin/httpd” for starting web server .
To check Httpd webserver is running or not, Use command
$ netstat -tnlp
See in the above image Port no 80 is running .
Step4. Deploy a webpage To DocomentRoot folder :
By default in webserver “/var/www/html” is DocomentRoot directory for uploading webpage . so we need to go to this folder and upload our webpage.
$ cd /var/www/html
if you have any webpage files then copy here, In my case I don’t have so I am creating a html file by vi command :-
$ vi web.html
Inside web.html file I wrote some code .
Step5. Accessing the web page by webclient(like google chrome,mozilla firefox) :
we need ip address of SYSTEM to access the webpage which we uploaded on webserver.
if we running “ifconfig” on centos 8 tghen it gives an error “command not found” so we need to configure “ifconfig” command .
To configure ifconfig command we need to install the package/tools which provides “ifconfig” command.
For finding the package/tools which provides ifconfig command,
$ yum whatprovides ifconfig
by using this command we can see “net-tools” provide ifconfig ,so we have to install net-tools for running ifconfig:
$ yum install net-tools
After Installing “net-tools” ,
see, “ifconfig” command is working.
now , to see your webpage you can run “htttp://ip_of_system/file_name” in your browser .
in my case ,by running this link , see output :
2. Setting up Python Environment on Top of Docker Container :
For this , I am using same container where we configured webserver ,
Run “python3” to check python Environment is there or not , In my case , There is no python3 as command . see
Step1 .
To check which package provides python3 :
By Using command :
$ yum whatprovides python3
see in above image python36 provides python3 so we need to install python36 .
Step 2 .
To install python by using command
$ yum install python36
now your Python Environment set up is done .check by using “python3” command
See , In above Image python3 command is running .
Thanks ……