Compiler vs Interpreter
2 min readNov 1, 2023
- A compiler and an interpreter are both software programs that convert high-level programming languages into machine code that computers can understand. However, they differ in the way they execute this conversion process.
- Compilers translate the entire source code into machine code before execution, while Interpreters translate code line by line during execution.
- A Compiler takes a lot of time to analyze the source code. however the overall time taken to execute the process is much faster. meanwhile, An Interpreter takes very less time to analyze the source code. However, the overall time to taken to execute the process is much slower.
- A Compiler always generates an intermediary object code. It will need furthur linking.Hence more memory is needed. meanwhile, An Interpreter does not generate an intermediary object code. Hence, an interpreter is highly efficient in terms of its memory.
- Compiler generates the error message only after it scans the complete program and hence debugging is relatively harder while working with compiler. meanwhile, Interpreter translating the program continuously till the first error in confronted. If any error is spotted, it stops working and hence debugging becomes easy.
- Compilers are used by programming language like c and c++ etc. meanwhile, Interpreters are used by programming alanguages like Python, Ruby etc..